CKEditor 5 v23.1.0 with raw HTML embedding, reconversion API and pasting tables into tables with track changes

New, advanced features are coming onboard. Embedding arbitrary HTML opens new possibilities for webmasters, while the reconversion introduced in CKEditor v23.1.0 is a great step toward easier, more reliable handling of the downcast conversion process. Pasting tables into tables in track changes mode, documentation updates and a new release of the React component will also, hopefully, please the CKEditor community.

CKEditor 5 v23.0.0 with pagination feature, list styles and improved image upload

Improved plain text pasting coupled with a new pagination feature that lets you control the structure of your output and autolink added to editor builds bring forth an overall excellent experience in WYSIWYG editing. This release also brings enhancements to list styles and image upload. What you edit has never looked so good and so very much exactly the way you want it. Meet CKEditor 5 v23.0.0!

CKEditor 5 v22.0.0 with inserting images via URL, list styles and Markdown plugin

The newest CKEditor 5 is here and it brings a plethora of changes and improvements. There is a new easy way to add images to your documents and you can choose from a variety of list item markers available. The export to PDF and Word features are now out of beta and a new pagination feature is coming soon. Hopefully, all these changes will increase your content creation productivity.

How to print WYSIWYG editor content to PDF

How to print WYSIWYG editor content to PDF - Export to PDF feature released

We are happy to announce the official launch of the new export to PDF feature for CKEditor 4 and CKEditor 5. This feature allows you to easily print the content of your WYSIWYG editor to a PDF file. What's more, the generated PDF document will preserve not only the rich-text content that you create in the editor, but also its structure and styling. Read on for more information!

CKEditor 5 v19.1.1 with table enhancements, typing around widgets and print to PDF feature

We are happy to announce the release of CKEditor 5 v19.1.1 that introduces further enhancements for the table feature, improved typing around widgets as well as the new PDF export feature. In addition to that, we focused on the adjustments of the editor's development tools to the newly adopted monorepo infrastructure. Read on for more details about these and other improvements!

GitHub Writer: challenge accepted

GitHub Writer: challenge accepted!

It all started back in 2014, when the CKSource team gathered together in our usual meetups. Something really special was up for discussion: a brainstorm about the future of CKEditor. That meeting seeded the ideas and foundation for the amazing products we made available since then, including CKEditor 5 and Collaboration.

An all around experience for working with data and content - CKEditor 4 Spreadsheets 1.2.0 released

We are happy to announce the release of CKEditor 4 Spreadsheets 1.2.0, which brings several improvements to make your work with data and content even easier than before. The Spreadsheet plugin now supports pasting data to and from Excel and Google Sheets. It also enables creating dynamic, auto-updating cell references in your WYSIWYG editor’s content. Last but not least, even deeper integration with CKEditor 4 allows you to apply more formatting and styling features to spreadsheet data. Read on for more information!

CKEditor 5 now with table styling support and special characters plugins.

CKEditor 5 v17.0.0 with table styles, special characters and performance improvements.

We are happy to announce the release of CKEditor 5 v17.0.0 that introduces two major and frequently requested features: table styling support and the special characters plugin. In addition to that, we worked on data processing and editor initialization performance as well as on bug fixes. Last but not least, an online builder for CKEditor 5 is now available for all your custom WYSIWYG editor builds. There are also some breaking changes, so read on for more details!

Integrate Vue.js with CKEditor 4

CKEditor 4 - Integrate WYSIWYG editor with Vue.js

We are happy to announce the release of the native integration of CKEditor 4, a full-featured WYSIWYG editor, with Vue.js, one of the most popular JavaScript frameworks. The CKEditor 4 Vue integration is already available on npm. It allows you to implement CKEditor 4 as a Vue.js component, using the <ckeditor /> tag.

CKEditor 4 Spreadsheets release

Creating data grids in WYSIWYG editor - CKEditor 4 Spreadsheets released

We are happy to announce the release of CKEditor 4 Spreadsheets that offer Excel-like functionality right inside the WYSIWYG editor. The new Spreadsheet plugin allows you to create intelligent, data-driven documents directly in CKEditor 4. This makes it a perfect solution for financial, auditing, engineering, technical and science industries.

CKEditor 5 release

CKEditor 5 v15.0.0 with horizontal line, page break, responsive toolbar and SVG upload support

We are happy to announce the release of CKEditor 5 v15.0.0. This editor version introduces support for inserting horizontal lines, page breaks and SVG images into the WYSIWYG editor. It also allows you to define the document title section thanks to the new title plugin. The editor toolbar is now responsive, which improves the UX, especially for mobile devices. But there is more - so read on!

CKFinder 2.6.3 and 3.5.1 Release

CKFinder 3.5.1 and CKFinder 2.6.3 released

We would like to announce that CKFinder 3.5.1 and CKFinder 2.6.3 have just been released. CKFinder 2.6.3 includes a security patch for the server-side part of the application, so updating is highly recommended. We have also published new guidelines for securing your server when using a public folder for uploaded files. Read on for more details!

CKEditor 5 mobile friendly comments mode feature release

CKEditor 5 v12.2.0 with mobile-friendly comments mode

We are happy to announce the release of CKEditor 5 v12.2.0. This time we focused on bug fixes and improvements to existing rich-text editor features. We also worked on the contextual balloon functionality in order to provide inline annotations for comments and suggestions as well as a mechanism to easily navigate between the balloons. Read more!

CKEditor 4, WYSIWYG editor, integration with Angular

CKEditor 4 - Integrate WYSIWYG editor with Angular

We are happy to announce the release of the native integration of CKEditor 4, a full-featured WYSIWYG editor, with Angular, one of the most popular JavaScript frameworks. The CKEditor 4 Angular integration is already available on npm. It allows you to implement CKEditor 4 as an Angular component, using the <ckeditor> tag.

CKEditor 4, WYSIWYG editor, integration with React

CKEditor 4 - Integrate WYSIWYG editor with React

We are happy to announce the release of the native integration of CKEditor 4, a full-featured WYSIWYG editor, with React, one of the most popular JavaScript frameworks. The CKEditor 4 React integration is already available on npm. It allows you to implement CKEditor 4 as a React component, using the <CKEditor /> JSX tag.

CKEditor 5 with mentions and remove formatting features release

CKEditor 5 v12.1.0 with mentions, font color and remove formatting released

We are happy to announce the release of CKEditor 5 v12.1.0. A month ago, we have seen some really positive feedback regarding the previous release of CKEditor 5 in which we introduced such features as inline widgets, distraction-free editor and support for multi-root editors. This version is no different and it brings four new long-awaited features (mention, font and background color, and remove formatting) as well as many improvements to the editor and our documentation.

CKEditor 5, paste from Word and file manager support release

CKEditor 5 v11.2.0 with paste from Word and file manager support released

We are happy to announce the release of CKEditor 5 v11.2.0. The latest editor version brings the long-awaited support for paste from Office (e.g. from Microsoft Word) and integration with the CKFinder file uploader. We have also enhanced the image upload documentation, improved the editor UI on mobile devices and introduced many smaller features and improvements.

CKEditor 4 release with emoji dropdown and auto-link-on-typing features.

CKEditor 4.11 with emoji dropdown and auto link on typing released

We would like to announce the release of CKEditor 4.11 that contains over 60 tickets, from new features to accessibility improvements. Most notably, this WYSIWYG editor version comes with a brand new dropdown for the emoji plugin that makes it possible to insert emoji from the toolbar and search for them using keywords.

CKFinder 3 for Lavarel release

CKFinder 3 Package for Laravel released

We are happy to announce that the official CKFinder 3 Package for Laravel is now available. This means that you can now comfortably integrate the best file manager for CKEditor with your Laravel application in little to no time, just like a real web artisan would do! Read on for more!

CKEditor 4 release

CKEditor 4.9 with Easy Image plugin for responsive images

To celebrate the 15th anniversary of CKEditor, we are happy to announce the release of the latest major editor version. CKEditor 4.9 comes with plenty of new features - including a brand new Easy Image plugin for inserting responsive images that are uploaded to and delivered straight from the cloud. Read on for a detailed overview of all the new features!

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